Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tale of 5000 omelettes a day

Many believe that the art of omelette making is as fascinating one as the final product tastes. I completely agree and would take it a step further; it is thrilling as well. Well, where is the scope of thrill in it? Believe me, I used to think likewise but this fact has been implanted on me after my visit to one of the best airlines catering facility i.e. of Singapore Airlines owned SATS. Though it has tied up with many hotel chains in India and abroad for supplying food to its crafts and others but preparation of food (especially omelettes) at its own facility in Singapore is a delight to watch.

Never ever in my dreams could I have thought that “food is an art” where technology too has a great role to play to. The amalgamation of mechanical and human elements in the making of a food delight from egg surpasses imaginations of any kind. According to SATS, it prepares 5000 omelettes everyday to serve different airlines, which touch down at Singapore.

Suddenly, omelette making seemed like an ancient craft still accomplished by a sensible bunch of people on this planet. And the saddest part is that I happen to be a mere spectator and restricted to participate in it. Enjoy this video where simplicity meets sophistication. Omelette preparation couldn’t have been a better example of that.