Have you ever considered how difficult it is to express something that exists just because we map it and nothing more than that? It is difficult to explain the significance of any such thing. I also bumped into something like that as we, as group of people, were moving towards Sanchi from Bhopal. As we traveled some 45 minutes from the capital city, our route guide (aka driver) suddenly braked. Before even asking him why, we knew our answer. There was this board that was etched with ‘Tropic of Cancer’… ‘Wow!’ we all chorused. It was an amazing sight upfront, which we never expected. Since it was unexpected, the sight became even more enticing and exciting. It was hot of end May, yet all bumped out of the car in a flash like a child coming out to enjoy first rain out of his home. Then, it was fascinating photo-op that took over the arid landscape…. the signboard of the kark rekha, we, devastating heat and the bright sunshine.
Now that I am back in Delhi, leaving back that significant line that traverses through the small village of Dewanganj, that should be 20 kms away from Bhopal, I was enthused by the desire to know whether there are any specific big town or city that falls on this imagery line. Though, another fellow rider had told me during that trip

that Jabalpur and Nagpur do fall on this line. As I Google-d, Ujjain also figures under this. While Jabalpur falls on it, Nagpur falls short of it; the city is located below the line. By the way, The Tropic of Cancer is best described as lying at 23° 26′ 22″ north of the Equator.
It is amazing to find a discovery of human specie, that did not required brains as such. Yet, a commendable act to find the right location where the line needs to be imagined. This very feeling enthralled all of us. At least, coming close to it, I was. I am also happy for no reasons, as I experienced something not to be seen to say the least. It is just an imagination after all.... The only help is that the point of imagination is well marked. Next spot of imagination… don’t mind to imagine somewhere where a step upward or downward will make me either tilt north or south, respectively, of Earth. I mean Equator.